Well here I am, yet again, on mom and dads couch - bored and restless - alas: another post.
Check these videos!
1)The Byrds playing some Dylan songs on Hugh Hefners "PlayBoy After Dark". At first glance this seems to be a super trippy Thanksgiving living room style party with The Byrds as the house band.
And now here's Dylans 1971 version of You Aint Goin Nowhere. I personally like the lyrics (and the recording in general) a lot more on this than the 1967 version he recorded with The Band, which is released on the Basement Tapes Sessions, which is the version the Byrds cover ^.
All I listened to in Spain was Bruce Springsteens Nebraska.
Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska.
To be honest - I found myself skipping over Atlantic City more often than not. It's the one song from that record I was already super familiar with and I just wanted to get to the other songs. Most notably State Trooper and Reason to Believe.
Here's the boss in '93 and then in 2000 playing Atlantic City. These versions are awesome. The mandolin leads between breaks in the verses are so prominent where on the recordings you can barely tell that they're there. Bruce recorded Nebraska to serve as demo tapes he would send to the E-Street band and later re-record with them, but just went ahead and released it as was: A four track record with acoustic guitar, electric guitar plugged straight into the board, Alan Vega styled/reverby vocals, mandolin, harmonica, and 10 tragic tales. Def his darkest work, but here, you will see he has turned it into something fist pumping backed by the E-Street gang.
The woman playing guitar in the black leather is AMAZING.
and again in 2000.
So tonight the calender will change yet again. 2009 was a busy year for me. Woods toured pretty much non-stop the last six months, and I went places I never thought i'd go/made friends I never expected to make. We have flown in something like 12 planes since November, playing countries in Europe such as Russia, Spain, England, Ireland, and Scotland. Even America suprised me. From playing places like the Henry Miller Library in the Big Sur in California, to playing a teen rec-center somewhere in Conneticut, we really covered a lot of ground and im glad to have seen it all.
Heres our set in the Big Sur back in August. This was a part of our US tour with Dungen. We played in the grove out infront of the Henry Miller Library around high noon.
One of the highlights of '09 for me was playing the Whitney Museum as part of Dan Grahams retrospective.
Rain on Acoustic: Recorded in April in Dijon France in a big and beautiful wooden attic with a huge tin roof. If you listen closely, right after the last chorus (when Jeremy sings 'you wouldn't pass it up...') it starts to rain and then lets up before the vocals come back in again. So cool!
so long '09, it's been real.

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